Wednesday, April 10, 2013


It always cracks me up when I go on for years and years thinking that a word is pronounced a certain way, and then suddenly discover that I've been saying it wrong all along.

I love Scotch. I am particularly fond of the varieties from Islay, of which Laphroaig is my favorite. (I am imbibing a wee dram as I type this.) Last month, the lady and I went on a vacation to the UK, and we agreed that I needed to see the distillery on that peat covered isle where so many of my hard earned dollars had gone. Unfortunately fate, in the form of a broken ferry, prevented me from seeing it, but some good did come out of the trip.

I learned that Islay is not pronounced how I've been saying it all these years: 'Is-Lay'. It is, in fact, pronounced 'Eye-luh'.

Obviously I need a time machine so I can go back and tell people forming the language to give it a more obvious spelling.


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