Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I am the machine.


I always thought the book resensitizer here had a very satisfying CLICK to it. As if some exceedingly happy machine from the universe of Douglas Adams was like, "CLICK. That's all set for you, Drew! CLICK. That book is sensitized now, by golly! CLICK. Another job well done!"

Although I guess it's less of a CLICK and more of a CLOHCK. Maybe it's from Sweden?

Lately, though, that CLOHCK has sounded less and less satisfying. The machine has become less cheery, and more bored and disenfranchised with life. "CLOHCK. Yep, that's done. CLOHCK. Uh huh. CLOHCK. Sigh."

Maybe the machine needs to start taking more risks. Maybe the machine needs to get out there and see what it's capable of. MAYBE, just maybe, it will realize that it actually is quite talented, and shouldn't just shut itself down before it even attempts something.

This, obviously, isn't a metaphor for anything...

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